Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its too hot...

Its hot!! sooo hot. You know when it hot and you sweat from not even moving...
I mean, I know this heat I lived in Ottawa for a few years, its not fun. Some might like it but you know I like my spring days where the sun is hot but doesnt burn you.
I have been downstairs sewing....my oldest boy won't even stay home with me, he is always at grand ma's house, I mean I dont blame him. My daughter sleeps, lucky girl gets the fan and the cool room while mommy is soo hot that even floding laundry is like a task that can never get done. My husband..oh my poor husband...he is in a pizza place , it most be like an oven in there. I think of it and I feel sick. The heat is not my friend. I mean dry climat is different but this humid extrem heat...nooo way.
I did sew my cheeky monkey today though, I am very proud also. I was wanting to add him on here but I can't find any camera cords. I just hate thatwhen I can't find what I want. Grrrr. But not worth getting mad over.
Well I am going to go have a cold bath...