Im very excited~! I got a spot in the Baby Fair!!!!
This will be my first all baby child related show....Im so excited. But I have little over 4wks, can you say OMG! I have a little collection already, but when I get ready to have shows, I always want to show all my ideas in my head and have them all done, but it never happens because I can never stop thinking. This time I'm not going to go over board, promote and just show what I can do.
Im very excited..have I mentioned it already??? ;)
Other then that life has been overly just too much...two ambulances ride for the same little monkey!!! My daughter. She is doing much better, but lets just say my stress level where very high hence I got very tired..what happens. I have somewhat fibromyliga...and stress and being tired really just doesnt do good. But I control it with some good natural stuff and sleep and good food. Coffee? helps.
Well this is it...
I do have quiet a few new peices, I will try and post them up very shortly.
Good night everyone.