Everyday I have my favourite Blogs I like to sneak at and read, some are for Fashion, some for ideas some because I think the person behind it is just interesting. As probably most of us do..
Well yesterday, upon my usual read I Read Jill's Post and I thought I was Wonderful and maybe good thing for me right now. Because I have been really hard of myself lately to loose this weight that DIDN'T come off after my second! I embrace my new size, but deep down I wish I was still my norm weight!!
So today I say I LOVE MYSELF, because I have beautiful curves! Yes my bum is a nice full one and Yes I might have bigger arms and well little extra everywhere, but I LOVE myself! I've always been very positive about my appearance, even if I want never a small girl. I always had a big "Butt" that I was teased so much about by my brothers!! Deep down, I was always self conscious. After Reading this blog I had the The light bulb thingy! I always say I'm okay! but really I wasn't, but as of TODAY, its a new page and I LOVE MYSELF
This is a picture that I am "LEARNING" to LOVE~
Posting it is a Step TO Trully LOVING myself.
Pass the Love Around and go visit Be one of a kind maybe your story will help someone else like Jill's did to me.
Avec Amour,
Valerie XO