Monday's at our house are usually hectic...Although I don't go to work every morning, being a stay at home mom and starting your own little business is alot of work. Usually after the weekend, the mountain of laundry, ( don't know how that can happen in two days!)
The getting back into our routine of the week, the cleaning. Plus this weekend I was at the Baby Fair, so I tired and all this to do....But wouldn't change it for the world.
Started my order for Cali....
Did all the laundry...
Got some rays in..
Few great pictures...
and my blog!

We have a winner for the baby fair...Sasha Did he lucky draw. Congrats winner!
I got this legs from Tokyo Baby!! lovely lady....and Im so in love with them. Plus they are in french...how great!! This is Melodie with her legs and her bloomer and her sweather...very equletic but so sweet.

Finally got a picture of the two together that I'm very in love with, its just so natural.
My next goal to get my whole collection in pictures and up on Etsy!!!
Hoping for great weather and a happy baby!
To all a great evening and a great night..
and they lived happily ever after!