Today I think we are just taking slow...Although we have been out most morning? Thats us.
Sasha Birthday Party Yesterday we had a great time....he did.
Today I'm doing my best to get Etsy finally loaded up with all my peices...but really thats going to take me a long time. Specially trying to use Melodie for most pictures. NOT possible, therefor I had to resort to using my UGLY dolls. But they work right?
Then it's father's day...aren't I lovely, I sent him to superstore! I cannot stand going there on weekends...way way too bussy for meself!
I had to take pictures of my dresses I made for a custome order, which I'm so disapointed she never bought them...I'm a little upset, but its okay because it's going to find another lovely home.
Well I should be going, I do need to get some more pictures uploaded.
Everyone I will be atthe St-Marks Market in Qualicum!!!
Maybe also a few super amazing stores around the island..not in stone, but I so EXcited!!!!!
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! To all amazing dads. Father is not just someone who a baby is made with, he is one that is there everyday and cares and loves a child. His shoulder to cry, a man to talk too when in trouble. Someone that shows him the way threw life. This day is also for all Step fathers and adoptive dad's out there. I think you are the most amazing man and it takes a man with alot of dignity and love to love someone like their very own. I love you Brent. XXX

P.S I love you DAD!
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