Friday, March 12, 2010

Hop Little Bunny Hop!!

Well yesterday, since we have all been under the weather, I just had no energy to do anything..Well I mean house work!

So We were just hanging around, reading The I love Devon Rose Blog, wich I think is just great, I saw this little bunny she bought for Devon. So cute! My mom makes dolls, so I called her and said mom make something like that for Melodie and Sasha for Easter!! Of course she jumped right on it, cause she's just so fantastic!! I really need to showcase her dolls somewhere trully unreal.

Anywho.....Im just blahhh don't feel like doing my usual day, so I asked Sasha " hey wanna make a doll when Melodie goes for a nap??" SURE!!!!! was his response.

So We went to work....well I did...he got side tracked.

Anyways...Im proud, ain't she so cute?? I mean she far from perfect....Sasha did pick her outfit, wich looks really corcky.

Here she is...He calls her Fifi ( wich I know there's already a Rabbit call Fifi and I love her.) You can't make him change his mind.

Well I did wrote a whole blog about a Stuffed Bunny!!

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