Sunday, March 21, 2010

What to write about?

I feel like I don't know where to start?
Been a LONG blog has become my little place, my two minutes of no.."mom..or hey this or hey can you do this for me...or Im hungry or laundry or ANYTHING! I write and get to talk about whats just for sewing or little quirks and things. Sometimes as a mom, I know we all feel that way, but I want a time just for moi! moi moi moi...
Like today, I would of loved to just went got a coffee, strolled the mall and just looked. Or even went for lunch by myself....I used to love doing that, and I cannot remember the last time, I got a minute for me. Don't get me wrong, I love being with my babes and my man, but I need some me time, to just do nothing that needs to be groceries!!! Well there Bladded!! Feels better! thank you
I been a workins alot on my collection....Loving summer time. Having fun with it.
Now I need to look into getting into a few markets this summer. I might venture to Victoria...if anyone knows a name or where to go for a good one. Just atleast once. Do a few here in town too...:)

I just made a mei Tai for an order...I really like it, its all done and packages up. Even made it a nice little bag..ahhhhh soo sweet right?
Stayed up late alot lately, sewing away. Gotten about 4new looks down.

Well here are some pictures....

I think Melodie is going to have to keep the little one she is wearing..Im too much in love with it...:) Baby needs new clothes too. Next Im working on making Sasha a sweather to match Daddy's new london fog Find from VV.
Lovely to be back....Thought I wasn't going to be able too, my computer almost went bye on us!!!
xx,we are back!

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