Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Love Pants..

These are my newest piece to my collection, and I most say I'm very happy.
So is Melodie she really likes these ones.
They wrap around to create different looks.
They make me think of Summer in Greece or Europe with a nice swimsuit of loose tops.
The extra wide leg is just so sweet.
I also going to make the same style but in wide shorts and skirt.

Going to try also and Dye my white fabric with kool aid to change some and have more colors.
These will be available on Etsy and Also at the Saint-MArks's market.
Size 2 to 6.
Hope you all enjoy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Just for Fun..

Today I think we are just taking slow...Although we have been out most morning? Thats us.
Sasha Birthday Party Yesterday we had a great time....he did.

Today I'm doing my best to get Etsy finally loaded up with all my peices...but really thats going to take me a long time. Specially trying to use Melodie for most pictures. NOT possible, therefor I had to resort to using my UGLY dolls. But they work right?

Then it's father's day...aren't I lovely, I sent him to superstore! I cannot stand going there on weekends...way way too bussy for meself!

I had to take pictures of my dresses I made for a custome order, which I'm so disapointed she never bought them...I'm a little upset, but its okay because it's going to find another lovely home.

Well I should be going, I do need to get some more pictures uploaded.
Everyone I will be atthe St-Marks Market in Qualicum!!!
Maybe also a few super amazing stores around the island..not in stone, but I so EXcited!!!!!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! To all amazing dads. Father is not just someone who a baby is made with, he is one that is there everyday and cares and loves a child. His shoulder to cry, a man to talk too when in trouble. Someone that shows him the way threw life. This day is also for all Step fathers and adoptive dad's out there. I think you are the most amazing man and it takes a man with alot of dignity and love to love someone like their very own. I love you Brent. XXX
P.S I love you DAD!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

summer Lovin' Jeans.

As I had written about a few weeks ago, maybe even a month....Sorry.
How I love to distress Denim and just jazz Em up...Well here are some pictures.
I wish I could of had put Melodie is all of them, but the coop wasn't been great lately for pictures.
Plus the pool being outside...the dirt, equals messy clothes.
I just started the Ones with the the ankor on the bum. Not completly done.
they also have a removable leggers at the bottom. Wich kind of give them a unique look and you can roll the jeans, or not and wear them a whole bunch of ways. Im liking it, I might make more like this, I have a few really nice sweather I will use.
I have a few pairs of jeans also, and they are boys jeans, but will be turning them into Boyfriend jeans for little girls, but with a girly twist.
Hope you all enjoy, Sorry haven't been postin up alot lately, I really need to get back on track. The nice weather has really done it to me.

Toodles Amigos

Monday, June 7, 2010

Once upon a Monday...

Monday's at our house are usually hectic...Although I don't go to work every morning, being a stay at home mom and starting your own little business is alot of work. Usually after the weekend, the mountain of laundry, ( don't know how that can happen in two days!)

The getting back into our routine of the week, the cleaning. Plus this weekend I was at the Baby Fair, so I tired and all this to do....But wouldn't change it for the world.
Started my order for Cali....
Did all the laundry...
Got some rays in..
Few great pictures...
and my blog!

We have a winner for the baby fair...Sasha Did he lucky draw. Congrats winner!
I got this legs from Tokyo Baby!! lovely lady....and Im so in love with them. Plus they are in great!! This is Melodie with her legs and her bloomer and her sweather...very equletic but so sweet.

Finally got a picture of the two together that I'm very in love with, its just so natural.
My next goal to get my whole collection in pictures and up on Etsy!!!
Hoping for great weather and a happy baby!
To all a great evening and a great night..

and they lived happily ever after!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Fair...

Well today was my very first day at the baby fair as an exhibitor!
HOW FUN!! Really all the people, the bumps, the sweet little faces!
Met some amazingly nice people..think I might be over talking but really so much fun.

The Feed has been amazing...thank thank you everyone who has come and checked out my little corners and given such great feed back and purchased one of my little treasures! MERCI!!

Well, not to a nice and deserving cubbling time with my babes..and oh yah FOOD!

Great day everyone!

here is my link for my facebook!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Boy is 5!!! sniffs

I cannot believe it.
I will always remember the day when Sasha was just a few days old and my mother told me...
enjoy this time because next thing you will know he will be starting school....My answer was, mom, seriously thats five years from now...lots of time. I was sooo wrong! Those 5years has just zoomed passed my eyes. I trully cried, and had a few moments. My boy, my pumkin is 5!!!!
Not too sure why its such a big deal 5, but its like a new chapter, he is going into the world in september and Im not going to be his main teacher, he will have his pears, a teacher and a world where he will fend for himself. A whole new ground for him. Im so very blessed and proud because I know he is such a kind hearted strong little man. See, tears right now. Wow!
He woke up this morning and said...Mom theres not more sleeps till my birthday and Im not four anymore, Im five!!! I just huged him told him I loved him and yes yes you are 5 now.

So his is five and so proud of him....I just hope I can pause the next five to not go as fast.

I love you My Angel, you were the best gift god ever gave me. I was blessed the day you came to me and forever made me so grateful and never felt love until you came around.
XXXXX Ta maman qui taime de toutes sont coeur.