Sunday, December 5, 2010

Open House!

Little Yellow Basket! she's having an open house!!!!
I will be there, so many more amazing people also. If you are from the area please come and say hello, don't be shy.
I have been trying to regroup and get myself back on the train....I need to get pieces done. PRONTO I'm so bare!!! Wich is kinda of a good thing, but means sew mama sew!!!

there is the link! Hope it works. I'm not the best at computers. Wishes.
More new pictures to come.
Of maman et moi (momie and me) MAtching bow cuffs! CUTE!
Je vous adores tous

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Love this sWeather..

These are my new favourite thing. ( if you know me you know I have a lot of favourite thing.)
My niece is the best at letting me take pictures of her, she just so darn cute!
I just wanted to share some pictures. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010


This is just a little Blog to Say a Simple but yet HUGE Thank you!
To all who was at the Kris Kringle and came and said hi, bought something and just took a look.
All the comments and smiles where all so worth while and made my time there. :)
I trully appreciate it and well its why I do it. Because like every one of a kind peice, every single comment smile to me they were like every one of my one of a kind peice so where your smiles. :)
I know I'm cheesy, but hey thats me.
I just want to make sure you all know it and How unbelievably appreciative I am.

Enjoy the snow to all the fellow Islander. :)
Brrrrr, but what a great way to kick off the Christmas season.
I will be taking a break, BAKING and CRafting with my monkeys for a few.
I will be at the ERrrington MArket on the 27th.

Toodles to all.
Maman Bidule.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Snow Bunny and Ow...

I'm just LOVing making this rompers!
I know these are over the top, but OMG, its for babies wouldn't it just be so so adorable?
Think so!!! My favourite so far is my Bunny, Looks like a vintage bunny, so cuddly and so soft.
Then since there's owls everywhere, I couldn't but help falling in love with them. I really like finding vintage ones...I got a few lately and they look very handsome in my Kitchen, they help me stay happy during LONG rainin days!

I have been well should be sewing like a mad women, but its difficult with two children a house and cooking and cleaning and wow! And well I'm not the most organized woman. I wish I was I do my darn best but its my nature, I'm all over the place and my mind is here and there. :)
Halloween is coming! Guess what? NO COSTUMEs Yet? But most say we have been this way for the last 3yrs and we have had SO much fun! We usually all match in a theme. :) Either ALice in Wonderland this year or Magician...My hubby is going to be Chris Angle!! HAHA
Happy day to all!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Little Boys

My Lovely Brother, which I love more then anything..(Both of yoU's)
But one ordered a little jacket and hat for friends of theirs.
I finally finished and since I don't do many boys items I wanted to share. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Im in LOVE!

I just stumbled across this AMAZING product!

I really really want it, thought I would share because wow!

Now I hope I can put their website up because its worth looking at.

I want it for chirstmas, for the kids....well even more moi! Imagine the fun! dressing up all those people! and wow! I can just see it.

I think it would go in my Sewing room to amuse my kids will I have so much to do..:) plus it would decorate!

Please tell Husband to buy!! hehehe
Go take a peaks!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sweet Little Bundles..

I'm having so much fun making these little romper, onesies. They are made from upcycled sweathers, wich I LOVE to work with. So glad it winter..I know I mentioned it before. :)

I have 3 made up right now, I had the chance to try it on a baby, OMG so so adorable.
They are little sweet bundle that you can just cuddle and snuggle. Mohair is so nice for that. Same with Cashmere!!!

Well I mentioned them so here is a few pictures...
Hope you all enjoy them. Going on the hunt for more colours today. I still have this vibrant red orange that is so amazingly nice. really nice for a christmas outfit too, for babies.
Have a nice day..short week this week...if in Canada, we just had our thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Happy thanksgiving everyone...Hope you all had a wonderful time with your loved ones and friends and pets and whomever you had with you.
Maman Bidule...( moi) Is VERY thankful to everyone who has supported me, even if its just coming and glacin at my things, leaving positive feed back.I LOVE IT ALL!!! xxx
MERCI beauCoup.

Also, I have now 3 colours in the rompers for Baby. I just tested it on a baby this weekend...OMG! So so adorable. I'm really excited to see their turn out.
Im hopefully going to be bringing them in the Hard Candy Boutique in Qualicum, then also at the kris kringle Market...wich is coming so so fast. :)

Well, I will be going back to work....SEW SEW SEW!!! I love it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

sneak a peak...

Some new peices..

thought I would share.

More pictures on Facebook. REmember give away at 100 people!

only 4more to go. Please invite and share and EnJOY!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall is in the Air..and I LOVE IT!

Beautiful Readers...don't you just love fall?? My favorite time, is the begining of a new season, or in sorts the end of a season. I love Sweathers, and this is sweather season. I don't just love them for myself but for felting and well everything.

My new Love is now Elsie Cake!!! I cannot say enough about how much I think she is trully amazing, just everything is so smart. I have to thank her, trully for showing me and making me remember who I am. I got lost for a little bit, too much pressure of what people wanted me to be instead of being moi! Dear old Bidule. I am equlatic and I change everyday, I like all kinds of beauty and all sorts of styles. My works will one day be simple the next complex. I think that who I am....well it is. :)

I have been slowly FINALLY getting alor of new peices done. Surprisingly, smaller little peices, wich are making itching me to find a little ones to try them on. As my Melodie is now growin up so so fast.

My new goal is to Stay my heads in the Clouds keep dreaming and letting the univer give me all its goodness.

P.s My dear friend Melissa is going to Poland in 3 days to get a surgery done for MS, please put a positive thought for her if you have a chance in your day. We all want this to be a success!!!! MERCI!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pyou Pyou...

Pyou is my little black bird.
New turtle neck tunic.
New little Hat....

Please Enjoy!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

New little pieces...

Here are a look at some other new little peices I have just created!!!
They are available in other colours,
Its nice to shoot, with someone else. My lovely neice is always so fantastic!!!
She's such a doll. We have her for a few days actually, wich is really nice. Her and my little man are like best friends...they love each other and fit with each other but always end up best buds!
Well its late, but here are some pictures!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hammer TIME!!

New Harem pants for the fall!
Super Rad as someone said..;) ;)
Black, brown......any color really.

Next project turtle neck romper!!!! Gonna try it, yah yah.
Can you tell I'm a little out of it? what happens when you 2yrs daughter doesn't want to sleep and you end up sleeping with her the whole night on a tiny hard not really comfy bed!!! Essh not good. A tad on the sLllowwwwww today.
Check my facebook, got alot more new looks there also..

Friday, August 6, 2010


So there's this place called Mcfrugal...Wich I LOVE! Tones of vintage brand new things!!
Well my cousin's wife, went and got swimsuits, so cute! I had to go for myself,
OMG!!! I got this for Melodie...I had this! Seriously did. I need to find the picture.
I was so excited. I'm going back and buying them ALL!!!! mohhaaaahaha. joke. I wish.

I'm very excited to launch some new peices!!! Weather been too nice, and my little man is starting school and I feel I want all the time enjoying him.

Well, can find me at HARD CANDY BOUTIQUE in Qualicum!!! Fabulous by the way!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

whale of a time...

I've been doing this little whale on peices here and there,
Im just so in love...its so adorable!!!
This little piece of my summer collection it has a little whale with its little fishes its going to catch on every peice. I also made some little sailor shorts, with the same logo.
Here it is...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Romper Style 2...

My beautiful Madysson was in town.I had to sweep her away and take a few pictures of her in my new romper in the bigger size.
First she's a doll..loves to take pictures...Ain't she perfect?? Melodie LOVES HER!!! Well we all do.
Here is modeling my size 5.6.
Now to upload to etsy!
Have a great day everybodayyyy

Friday, July 9, 2010

Romper Style

Newest Little Romper..
Made from men's shirts, All one of kind..
Super cute and a most have...I think!
Sassyfied.....With cute Red sunglasses by Melodie!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Un petit Matelot..

So its finally HOT!
We have summer here, wich is so fantastic.
Althought, with two shows in one month, means more sewing for moi.
Today though we went to the ocean and was it ever lovely. Sasha was right at home, that boy loves it.

We also have a new Puppy!!! His name is Chance...Because its pure chance we have him.
I love him..but I think this might be Melodie's little puppy, she won't let him go. So sweet.
Sasha poor babe, it breaks his heart that the puppy cries so his cries to bring it back to his mommy...or like he says lets buy the mommy too...
Well here is my new piece I just made yesterday...
I like it...its reclamed men's shirt and a little dash of yes I like it...
Plus with a whale how can you not have so much fun at the beach.
Well To all a good night...babes were late in bed tonight...the heat its difficult.
Remember Victoria this weekend!!

HELLLO Victoriaaa

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Love Pants..

These are my newest piece to my collection, and I most say I'm very happy.
So is Melodie she really likes these ones.
They wrap around to create different looks.
They make me think of Summer in Greece or Europe with a nice swimsuit of loose tops.
The extra wide leg is just so sweet.
I also going to make the same style but in wide shorts and skirt.

Going to try also and Dye my white fabric with kool aid to change some and have more colors.
These will be available on Etsy and Also at the Saint-MArks's market.
Size 2 to 6.
Hope you all enjoy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Just for Fun..

Today I think we are just taking slow...Although we have been out most morning? Thats us.
Sasha Birthday Party Yesterday we had a great time....he did.

Today I'm doing my best to get Etsy finally loaded up with all my peices...but really thats going to take me a long time. Specially trying to use Melodie for most pictures. NOT possible, therefor I had to resort to using my UGLY dolls. But they work right?

Then it's father's day...aren't I lovely, I sent him to superstore! I cannot stand going there on weekends...way way too bussy for meself!

I had to take pictures of my dresses I made for a custome order, which I'm so disapointed she never bought them...I'm a little upset, but its okay because it's going to find another lovely home.

Well I should be going, I do need to get some more pictures uploaded.
Everyone I will be atthe St-Marks Market in Qualicum!!!
Maybe also a few super amazing stores around the island..not in stone, but I so EXcited!!!!!

HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!! To all amazing dads. Father is not just someone who a baby is made with, he is one that is there everyday and cares and loves a child. His shoulder to cry, a man to talk too when in trouble. Someone that shows him the way threw life. This day is also for all Step fathers and adoptive dad's out there. I think you are the most amazing man and it takes a man with alot of dignity and love to love someone like their very own. I love you Brent. XXX
P.S I love you DAD!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

summer Lovin' Jeans.

As I had written about a few weeks ago, maybe even a month....Sorry.
How I love to distress Denim and just jazz Em up...Well here are some pictures.
I wish I could of had put Melodie is all of them, but the coop wasn't been great lately for pictures.
Plus the pool being outside...the dirt, equals messy clothes.
I just started the Ones with the the ankor on the bum. Not completly done.
they also have a removable leggers at the bottom. Wich kind of give them a unique look and you can roll the jeans, or not and wear them a whole bunch of ways. Im liking it, I might make more like this, I have a few really nice sweather I will use.
I have a few pairs of jeans also, and they are boys jeans, but will be turning them into Boyfriend jeans for little girls, but with a girly twist.
Hope you all enjoy, Sorry haven't been postin up alot lately, I really need to get back on track. The nice weather has really done it to me.

Toodles Amigos

Monday, June 7, 2010

Once upon a Monday...

Monday's at our house are usually hectic...Although I don't go to work every morning, being a stay at home mom and starting your own little business is alot of work. Usually after the weekend, the mountain of laundry, ( don't know how that can happen in two days!)

The getting back into our routine of the week, the cleaning. Plus this weekend I was at the Baby Fair, so I tired and all this to do....But wouldn't change it for the world.
Started my order for Cali....
Did all the laundry...
Got some rays in..
Few great pictures...
and my blog!

We have a winner for the baby fair...Sasha Did he lucky draw. Congrats winner!
I got this legs from Tokyo Baby!! lovely lady....and Im so in love with them. Plus they are in great!! This is Melodie with her legs and her bloomer and her sweather...very equletic but so sweet.

Finally got a picture of the two together that I'm very in love with, its just so natural.
My next goal to get my whole collection in pictures and up on Etsy!!!
Hoping for great weather and a happy baby!
To all a great evening and a great night..

and they lived happily ever after!